Archive for November, 2008

Friday prayer

Friday, November 21st, 2008

Posted by Dan

Istanbul, Turkey

The sound fills and echoes through the derelict building next door. Tumbling around its empty walls before bursting from the hole where a window once opened, as if pumped from a bigger speaker than that of the minaret it first came from.

The song of the mosque pulses over the rooftops. The voices collide as they take flight. The call to prayer multiplies tenfold, even one hundredfold, as every mosque in Istanbul calls worshipers to Friday prayer.

Long live ‘friend bicycle’

Saturday, November 1st, 2008

Posted by Krista

Burgazada, Turkey

leaving Kadikoy, Istanbul, to go to Burgazada

Catching the ferry from Istanbul to Burgazada

Happy birthday to meeee, happy birthday to meeee, happy birthday dear Krista, happy birthday to meeee!

My birthday treat was a great escape from Istanbul – the city that has stifled us for a month, the city that we both love and hate, are excited by but frustrated with.

So, on the 1st November, we took a boat ride across the Bosporous, to Kadikôy, on the Asian side of Istanbul. From there, we boarded another ferry, which chugged by sunset to one of the five small islands that rise steeply out of the Marmara Sea.

By the time we arrived at Burgazada, one of the smaller islands, it was late, and in the black, we watched the slither moon sink over the sea. It was going to be a difficult task to find a camping spot in the dark, but our friend Gokhan had told us about a secluded beach where we could safely put up our tent.

Following his slightly sketchy directions, we pedalled out of the ferry port, excited to be in the quiet and tranquility of the island. Cars are not allowed on any of these five islands, so people get around either on foot or with horse and carriage. The only sounds that evening were the clopping of the horses’ hooves and the sound of the wind and waves. Oh, what joy!

We set up camp, following the routine we know so well. When we climbed into our sleeping bags and lay on our backs, we remembered the travelling life again – and how good it can be.

The next day was camp cooking, swimming in the sea in autumnal November sun, yoga stretches and reading. Then a pack-up and a bike ride back to the port. I kept looking over my shoulder to check for traffic – which of course never arrived!